Petrochemical Products Manufacturing
Petrochemical Products Manufacturing
CNotesTM transforms the way a large multi-national petrochemical company manages shift communication.
A global petrochemical company with a refinery and specialty chemicals manufacturing plants around the world migrated from paper and Microsoft Word and Excel based shift notes to CNotesTM, achieving audit compliance and visibility to plant operations.
Pilot Site Success
Operational Excellence and a return on investment was realized early on at the pilot site with shift turnover reporting for all locations including high threats and operational excellence KPIs. Verbal, paper, word and spreadsheet documents were replaced with CNotesTM as the single source of truth for plant wide shift communications including operator notes, out of specification alerts, safety system bypasses and more.
With the benefits realized, this was quickly followed by the expansion of CNotesTM to other facilities over the years which continues to date with dozens of sites across the enterprise coming online with CNotesTM.
Multi Language Capable
In fact, with the CNotesTM multi-language capability, facilities in Germany, Spain and Italy for example have taken advantage of the native language usage for ease of training and system adoption. It has made the job of recording critical shift notes that much easier for operations staff having the data entry screens and reports in their native language.
Web Based and Fully Searchable
However, what the power users and site managers truly appreciate about CNotesTM is that it is fully web-based running on the latest browsers making it easily accessible from their PCs or mobile devices. Being able to search on any key word to pull up reports of historical information instantly is an upgrade that is highly valued. For audit purposes as well as for researching repeat issues easily, this feature not only saves time but also provides the relevant information necessary for regulatory compliance for example, at the user’s fingertips.
Training and Administration Made Easy
With the power of CNotesTM realized, operators, supervisors and managers across the enterprise have been easily trained with the “train the trainer” approach rapidly increasing user adoption of the system. In addition, local plant site Admins have full control of the application security provisioning through security roles with the ability to provide as granular application access as possible to the various system users. With some super users being able to configure the different data entry pages, modules and reports themselves while other users only being able to do data entry in their respective position areas and others still with read only access to certain areas.
External Systems Interfacing Including All Modules
Finally, with the ability of CNotesTM to interface with various external systems such as data historians, lab systems, work order systems, alarm systems and more, plant operations, planning, scheduling and economics staff are easily able to track how the plant is running and how it should be run going forward in a very visual dashboard format. With out of specification plant data historian operating targets highlighted and email notifications provided, the element of surprise is taken out of the equation.
And with the all-inclusive module offering, CNotesTM comes standard with all the necessary modules for shift turnover communications such as shift notes, questions, workflow for safety system bypass or downgrades and dozens of other valuable modules such as calendars and rolling up and rolling down information across different positions for greater visibility. This is a tremendous cost saving when considering the amount of functionality available in the various modules for tailoring to specific business needs.
In short, within a brief period of time CNotesTM has become the gold standard for shift notes with operational excellence across the enterprise.
About CSoft Technologies
CSoft Technologies believes in using proven leading-edge technologies that deliver superior results in shorter time frames with solid ROI.
The CNotes™ electronic shift notes system delivers a powerful, yet easy-to-use web-based package that allows authorized personnel to generate questions, daily orders, safety messages, and equipment schedules for industrial plants and other industries where critical notes must be passed from one shift to another.
Interested in learning more about how we can help your organization? We offer free consulting and quotes to demonstrate our value.
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Toll Free: 1-(855) 55-CSOFT
Local: (281) 380-9473
For Sales
Amit Banerjee | (832) 768-7777